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Turkey Escape Thanksgiving Writing Craft!


Thanksgiving is almost here! I love using all the festive activities in my classroom this time of year. That's why I created this adorable and fun turkey writing craft! Not only will this activity keep your students engaged, but it hits several major standards: retell, setting, writing to answer a prompt, and making connections. This is a perfect edition to add to your lesson plans before Thanksgiving break. Let's jump in!

To see this resource in my tpt store, click here!

I made this resource as a companion to one of my all time FAVORITE Thanksgiving books: Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving! This classic read aloud has been a favorite of mine since I was in elementary school. Before you begin this activity, read this book with your class or watch it on YouTube. This will set the stage for this activity!

After you read the story with your class, tell your students to pretend they are a student on this field trip. Have them turn and talk to their partner about a creative way that they would help the turkey escape the farm if they were a student on the field trip. My students LOVED brainstorming all the fun ways to help the turkeys escape! When they finish sharing with a partner, begin taking ideas and writing them on an anchor chart. I have included anchor chart titles in this resource. Simply cut and glue them on anchor chart paper for students to pull from as they begin writing independently. For a more challenging/independent activity, students will create a brain dump on their own using the student sheet included in this resource.

This resource includes three writing prompt choices for you to choose from:

  • To help the turkey escape, I would...

  • If I was a turkey trying to escape the farm, I would...

  • Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving...

Choose the writing paper choice that best suits you and your students needs! There is another writing line option for you to use for your struggling writers included in this resource as well.

I don't know about you, but my students always need extra practice with identifying setting and retelling a story. That's why I have included a retell foldable booklet, a flip book to practice retell, as well as a setting worksheet for students to practice drawing and identifying the setting.

I hope you find this resource helpful as you gear up for the Thanksgiving season in your classroom! Be sure to tag me on instagram @carolinacornertpt if you use this in your classroom and as always feel free to reach out with any questions in the contact me tab! Happy Thanksgiving!

To see this resource in my tpt store, click here.



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